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Clients Testimonials

HnDSea reviews page contains real comments sent in by customers or posted on hosting directories and forums. Below are some of our clients testimonials listed.To find more testimonials on what our customers have to say about their hosting experiences with HnDSea you can check Live Client Testimonials in HnDSea Forums under “Clients Testimonials” Section, Click Here

You get Fantastico, Site Builder everything in just $1 per month. What else would one need. Also the Support is perfect and good uptime provided by them. My previous host was more costly than this and also provided nothing compared to HnDSea - David Brooks (Canada)

I don't even know any HTML language nor any designing software but still I have designed 4 websites for myself. This all was possible by the Online site Builder provided by HnDSea. Its very easy and you can design your site in few hours. All for $1 a month. HnDSea is the best. - Cynthia Kohl (UK)

I was very unhappy with previous Reseller Hosting provider. When I found HnDSea, they helped me completely in transfer of my Reseller Account from previous Hosting to them. Now I am with HnDSea from last 3 years and saving a lot of dollars due to their low prices and my business is growing due to their quality services and perfect 24x7 support. - Melissa Clark (USA)

I got low cost Reseller Hosting, Awesome Uptime, Kind Support, Free Online Site Builder for me and my clients. All this starting from just $9.95/Month. HnDSea Rocks !! - Colin Markey (Australia)

What I needed was ASP and MS SQl and I got this all for just $1/Month. The service is excellent. There are no downtimes at all and yeah the Live Chat operators are really expert people and help me in really good way. I would suggest everyone to go for HnDSea. - Steve Taylor (UK)

In Pakistan no one provides Hosting at such price. This is really awesome. Ulimited space, bandwidth, Free PHP scripts, Free Site Builder and lot more.I bet you will find no other hosting as good as HnDSea. - Ghazanfar Khan (Pakistan)

My Business is totally dependent on e-mail. I was very frustrated at my previous host where I had many mail issues. Here at HnDSea I have never faced any e-mail issues or E-mail delays. Thanks to HnDSea - Silvino Espin (Spain)

The most important feature for me in hosting company is their support quality. I am very happy with the support quality provided by HnDSea. Their 24x7 live chat is superb. Whenever I have any problem, I visit the live chat and their techs help me out instantly. Even if you mail you get an instantly reply from them. I would recommend HnDSea to all. - Jose Barea (France)

Low price, Good Uptime, Great Support thats what is HnDSea. Its one of the few honest hosting provider which do what they say. HnDSea is Awesome. Richard Mann (Turkey)

I have never experienced any down time in my site. Also my sites loads faster as compared to my previous host. I got a great deal in $1 a month. HnDSea is great. - Kholid Amrillah (Indonesia)